Saturday, August 23, 2008

Friday 8/22/2008

87o 22.25N 07o 21.48.0W; air temperature -7.5C; winds 4-5 m/s; drifting south at 0.1 knots
Still cold at -7.6C and the lead is frozen over. The Canadian OOTI instrument continues sampling over the lead and the report of some frost flowers seen on the newly formed ice should make its owner Dr. Jan Bottenheim (Environment Canada) very happy. All other sensors are covered with ice. All the ship railings and ropes are also covered with hoar frost crystals.

We have used the morning to catch up with sample analyses, data entry, writing these blogs, finishing experiments, and designing and setting up new experiments. The fog comes and goes, controlling the length of time the researchers working at the meteorological and oceanography camps can safely spend outdoors. Pea soup thick fog rolls in and out, such that the observers on the bridge do not have good visibility and the researchers are called in and have to wait, sometimes for many hours, until it is safe for them to go out again.

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