Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August 13 2008

See the pictures I've put online at the following website:


Anonymous said...

HI Paty and Carlton,

Hope all is well - enjoyed see some picts. Good luck finding a good and safe ice camp.


marilú said...

hola Mónica: tengo algunas preguntas de mis alumnos:¿Cuánta luz solar reflejan las diferentes clases de nubes? ¿Cuánto calor absorben? ¿Y cómo responden a los cambios de temperatura en el ambiente? si me puedes ayudar ...te lo agradecería.

Cariños María de la luz Cerda
colegio Saint Gabriel´s.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am very impressed. Already gave it a name, Moose Creek Bluff, and built a hwy (#2 no less) to North Pole, according to your map! But maybe "Bear Bluff" might have been more appropriate?
Jan (Bottenheim)

Heather Anne said...

I don't see any blue fuzz in your filtering! Hope you're having a productive cruise, reading good books and drinking hot tea! Thinking about you folks.

- Heather Anne in Maine